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Mar 09, 2015 Roy rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition I received a free copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This world is filled with political and physical battles between the Elves, Dwarves and Humans; even though they battle admists themselves they are all at war this the orcs...with the machinations of humans being the most deadly threat, even among their own kinds.

I really loved the boarding school storyline but also that it wasn't the lone focus of the book which gave the author the chance to explore the world beyond the confines of it, something that I always find problematic with other books with the same setting.

But I won't go into that story. Fletcher ends up getting into trouble with the punk Didric in their little town of Pelt. He has to leave in a hurry so they won't catch him since Didric is a high figure in the town.

Being accused of something he didn’t do, thrown out of his life and the only family he had certainly changes a person. And his relationship with his demon, Ignatius, was adorable.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself! This book is written in the more classic Fantasy style and although it is targeted to Young Adults, it is in my opinion, perfect for all who love the Fantasy genre.

There was the typical competition/hatred between the classes – neither the nobles nor the commoners seemed to get along which at first seems like such a stereotype but near the end of the book you realise it’s important to the story.

Fletcher is an amazing main character. Something that I really loved about him was that he wasn't "the chosen one", or the one was special abilities or any other trope that we often find in High Fantasy. Instead, Fletcher was just a good guy. He always tried to do the right thing (even though it wasn't always beneficial for himself) and was just overall a really clever and kind person.

I was about to dnf this one because I find the "magic school-hero is not a noble born-magic/enchantment-fucking evil bastards were noble spoiled brats" a bit cliche.

who just writes stories for check here fun for others on-line can be discovered for the very reason our stories are simply good enough. And knowing it was a fantasy? Heck yeah, my favorite genre of the year, represeeent!

I don't mean that as a bad thing bc I enjoyed this to some extent, but I feel like too many things might have deceived me, things like that cover, the shelves this is on and that average rating now feels higher than it should.

Overall, I think this is a good start, but I needed something to keep me glued to the pages and the biggest thing that was lacking was a major story-line. Hopefully things will be answered in the next book if I'm still interested in it, I might still pick it up.

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The world itself is also tried and tested but the story is well written and fun. I read a lot of darker books so reading a traditional story mixes it up and feels fresh.

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